Amethyst - Born Mystics


What is Amethyst?
Amethyst is a purple variety of Quartz with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale. Amethyst occurs in primary hues from a light lavender or pale violet to a deep purple and may exhibit one or both secondary hues of red and blue. High-quality amethyst can be found in Siberia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Uruguay, and the Far East.
Amethyst has been highly esteemed throughout the ages for its stunning beauty and legendary powers to stimulate, and soothe, the mind and emotions. It is a semi-precious stone in today’s classifications, but to the ancients, it was a “Gem of Fire"; a Precious Stone worth, at times in history, as much as a Diamond.
Does Jade have any mystical or spiritual qualities?
In the spiritual world, an Amethyst crystal provided a connection to the Divine. To the Hebrews, it was Ahlamah, the ninth stone in the breastplate of the High Priest; engraved with the tribe of Dan, as well as the twelfth foundation stone for the New Jerusalem. To the Egyptians, it was Hemag, listed in the Book of the Dead to be carved into heart-shaped amulets for burial.
In Eastern cultures, it was listed in descriptions of sacred "gem-cities", "trees of life", and used in temple offerings for worship. It was also often used to align planetary and astrological influences. Additionally, Amethyst was popular in rosaries and prayer beads. It was credited with creating an atmosphere of pious calm, imbuing a sense of mental peace, and quietude.
Does Amethyst have any healing properties?
Amethyst, The Greek word amethystos may be translated as "not drunken", from Greek a-, "not" + methustos, "intoxicated". Amethyst was considered to be a strong antidote against drunkenness, which is why wine goblets were often carved from it.
Which month is Amethyst for?  Which sign is Amethyst for? Amethyst has always been associated with February, the month the Romans dedicated to Neptune, their water god. Therefore, it should be no surprise that it is the traditional birthstone of that month. It is the stone of St. Valentine and faithful love and signifies ecclesiastical dignity as the Bishop’s Stone. It carries the energy of fire and passion, creativity and spirituality; yet bears the logic of temperance and sobriety. Amethyst is associated with the Zodiac signs of Aquarius and Pisces.
Do you have any Amethyst jewelry? 
Yes we do!  Here are a few samples...Please take a look at our handmade Amethyst jewelry.  Many pieces are one of a kind and may be sold out by the time you read this...  If you would like to order a custom piece, please be sure to contact us.  We love making personalized pieces!
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